Fluid workshops with tangible results
Are you planning a longer off-site or a work meeting of just a few hours?
For your team or a large group? It doesn't matter if it takes a few hours or several days. As a facilitator, I design the process for you in such a way that you can work productively.
This is the introduction to our preparatory talk. It sounds boring, but at the same time it is crucial. Because everything else follows from this: from who should participate, to the time required, to the type and number of materials. These are the prerequisites for a workshop to feel good for the participants.
Achieve more in focused workshops

"I didn't realise you did it like that". "That would otherwise have been done twice".
What are your aha moments?

Writing (down), building, painting, building on others' ideas, prototyping, discarding, developing.
Where does your energy lie?

There is a spectrum of different decision-making processes that can influence the quality of your results.
How will you decide?

No meeting without the "next steps". Commitment is the first step for change and development.
What are your next steps precisesly?